Sunday 16 June 2013

‘My ideal man must help me make heaven’ - Benita

Benedicta Iyere-Okojie, known as Benita is a gospel singer. Although she started singing when she was young, her passion for singing has not diminished.

“My passion for singing is still waxing strong because I’m a child of God and quitting music is not in my agenda because gospel music is the ministry that God has called me into,” she emphasised. She says she intends to fulfil her purpose in the music ministry by going round the world until Christ comes. “There’s a lot to be done and this is not the time to quit but the time to be active. The gospel of Christ through my ministry must get to everyone regardless of age, class or creed. So, I still see myself as a gospel artiste, brand ambassador and proud Nigerian,” as she smiled warmly.

Benita has not been singing now for a long time after graduating from the university. And her fans have been wondering why. “Many have asked why I have not been singing. Well, by God’s grace, new singles and videos are coming soon, as well as stage plays in collaboration with friends and family. New things about me would be unveiled soon,” she assured.

To some of her fans who feel she has been in the cooler for some time, she said, “I want to make it categorically clear that I have not been in the cooler. But the truth is that I’ve been attending functions, ministering here and there. The only difference is that I have not released new songs since 2009. I have started working hard on my new songs; soon they would be released and that would be before the end of this year. I know that my fans have been very patient and I want to thank God for their lives. They are such wonderful people. It’s been a while but soon they will hear from Benita and by God’s grace it will be worth the wait.”

Benita relived her childhood with ease. “My childhood was fun but I really enjoyed my children’s choir days. I had lots of fun going for competitions with other churches. I won a couple of times. Those times always felt like I was on top of the world. Schooling as a child was also fun. I would go home with my friends and gist with them. No one really knew me then so it was fun to just hang out and have fun with friends. Those were priceless moments.” Has she any regrets? “I have no regrets whatsoever. I thank God for calling me into the music ministry. I have had experiences that have molded and sharpened me to be a better person. I would never have learnt some things if I did not start when I did. I’ve also been blessed to go to places that I never in my wildest imagination thought I would go. It’s been an amazing journey and I bless God for everything,” she said, a surge of triumph running through her.

This gospel diva is considering marrying very soon. “I hope to settle down and have a beautiful family. Who wouldn’t want to get married? I have not done that all these while because I’m waiting on God’s time. As soon as that time is close. I will let my fans know about it,” she assured.

Her ideal man, no doubt, must have some qualities. “My ideal man is the one that God has created just for me; one that loves God, supports my ministry and will support and encourage my spiritual life. And also help me make heaven.”

Benita says she owes her father a lot in life. She gives her reasons for saying so. “My dad is a blessing. He supported me so much when I started and even till now. In fact, he is my number one fan. I appreciate and love him. He knows this. In short, every member of my family has all been there for me. He now advises and makes very helpful suggestions for my music ministry and he is always there to tell me what to do and what not to. He is loaded with experience,” Benita said, grinning.

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